La crisi economica e la stampa italiana: dal crac Lehman Brothers alle politiche di Austerity

Gabriele Messina


The aim of this paper is to analyze how italian newspapers reported 2007 economic crisis main events. Everyone gave its version of the facts. Every newspaper worked as a filter. Everyone played his game dressing the Keynesian or Liberist shirt. Every newspaper chose a very specific paradigm to follow. In some cases, showing off it as a banner throughout the long story of the crisis, in other cases changing opinion during the events. Every newspaper workesd as a spokesperson for its own vision of the facts. On the one hand, the liberists, the supporters of the market and laissez faire, the paladins of austerity, on the other hand, the Keynesians, the supporters of the welfare state and of interventionism. Both, face to face on a mediatic and conceptual battlefield where every director seeked to assert his own position. A dividing line marks this long story where it is even possible to find similar positions.

Parole chiave

Crisis; austerity; keynesian; liberist; Europe

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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