Comprendre le present et l'avenir politique de la Chine

Emilie Frenkiel


This piece comprises three interviews derived from a PhD dissertation investigating the historical, political, sociological and ideological context of the political commitment of some Chinese scholars, and especially of their involvement in the discussions on the orientation the reform of the Chinese regime should take. Ren Jiantao, Wang Shaoguang and Xiao Gongqin, well-established university professors in Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong universities, describe the sources (the Cultural Revolution, the liberalization of the 1980s and the 1989 repression) and evolution of their respective political commitment as a liberal, a new leftist and a neo-conservative. As public intellectuals, they use their expertise as renowned academics to try and intervene in the public sphere and voice their differing viewpoints on the current regime and on China’s political future.

Parole chiave

filosofía política, intellettuale, sociologia, opinione pubblica, politica

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Riferimenti bibliografici

L. DITTMER & G. LIU, China’s deep reform: Domestic politics in transition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2006 .

E.J. PERRY & M. Goldman. Grassroots Political Reform in Contemporary China, Harvard University Press. 2007

W. TANG,. Public Opinion And Political Change In China, Stanford University Press 2005.

Y.C. WONG, From Deng Xiaoping to Jiang Zemin, University Press of America, 2005

S. ZHAO. éd. Debating political reform in China: rule of law vs. democratization, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2006.

R. POSNER, Public Intellectuals, a study of decline, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2001



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ISSN. 2281-1532

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