Rose senza perché. Hannah Arendt e le “fabbriche della morte”

Chiara Agnello


The figure of the Arendtian survey can be identified in the idea of ​​the incomparability of the totalitarian phenomenon compared to previous forms of authoritarianism, for multiple and various reasons. Among these it is precisely the creation of the extermination camps, the systematic annihilation of human beings, the quid that makes totalitarianism irreducible to any political phenomenon of the past: the concentration camps, expression of nihilistic achievement, are for Arendt the event which, marking a clear historical fracture, stops the continuity of our tradition interrupted precisely by the realization of its own nihilistic dynamics.

Parole chiave

Totalitarianism; anti-Semitism; metaphysics of subjectivity

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Riferimenti bibliografici

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