Le città al tempo della globalizzazione

Roberto Salerno


During the last few years cities have increased widely their competences. Above all, from the point of view of the socio-economic policies we observe a growing activism from their side. This activism is very different from that one of the previous years. From the urban transformations to the cultural policies, the main players of the cities are now perceived, by the local communities, as the powerful ones. But what has brought this change? And how different are the cities that compete in order to attract more and more desirable resources? The growth machine and the entertainment machine are really so different? This essay goes back to the great oil crisis of 1973 which is considered the starting point of this great transformation, showing the narrowing down of the venues for discussion and, in particular, a clear centralization of the decision powers.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.4474/13


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