Dalle townships del New England alle comuni del Rojava

Franco Scandolo


The current Turkish occupation of Northern Syria (Rojava) endangers a process of social change and an experience of democratization, unknown to the Middle East, made of decentralized public administration, cooperative economy, female emancipation and religious tolerance. The Rojava revolution is inspired by democratic confederalism, a theoretical corpus developed in the twenty-first century by the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Abdullah Ocalan. The basis of this elaboration can be traced back to libertarian municipalism, the communitarian political project of the American social ecologist Murray Bookchin. This contribution aims to outline the specific bookchinian heritage in the Kurdish revolutionary movement, on which there is no consensus within the scientific debate.

Parole chiave

M. Bookchin, confederalismo democratico; A. Ocalan; municipalismo libertario; Rojava

Full Text


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.4474/415


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